Rule of Rose Wiki
White Chocolate
Found with Marble
Finds Nothing
Health Very High
Rarity High
Debut Sir Peter
Usable on Jennifer
A rich, milky gourmet sweet. It's magic in your mouth. Restores full health.

White Chocolate is a healing item in Rule of Rose. It is a confectionary made of milk, sugar, and cocoa butter, the latter of which is gives White Chocolate its distinct white texture. This white texture is also what distinguishes White Chocolate from regular milk chocolate, which the game identifies as simply Chocolate.


White Chocolate differs from regular milk chocolate by being devoid of any cocoa solids. The cocoa solids are what gives Chocolate its own unique texture. As a confectionary, White Chocolate was invented during the late 19th century, but its widespread popularity and limited production methods at the time meant that it was also scarce. Such scarcity continued well into the early 20th century until the mass production of White Chocolate became practical by the late 1930s at the earliest. Jennifer encounters a few bars of White Chocolate during her explorations of the Airship and Orphanage with Brown. The fact that so few were found is a testament to those considerations in 1930. Given their scarcity, she had to have found some and took them with her.


As the best healing item in the game, White Chocolate completely heals the player, regardless of how much health is left in the Inventory Screen. Its healing potency is constrained by the fact that there are only so many bars that the player could find during the Airship and Orphanage chapters within a single playthrough. Since most items stored in the Rubbish Bin do not carry over to a New Game+ playthrough, the player should use them during boss battles or during mandatory stages of the game where the player must fight swarms of Imps in order to advance the plot.

White Chocolate can be found by issuing Brown the Search Command with a Marble assigned to the Find Slot. However, the player should not just rely on finding White Chocolates hidden in the environment alone during the Airship and Orphanage chapters. The only other method of obtaining them is by bartering 6 Socks for a single White Chocolate at the Gift Box. Note that the Gift Box is only available during the Airship chapters, so the last time the player will be able to trade their Socks for White Chocolates is during the "Rag Princess Sews" chapters.


  • As stated earlier, the inclusion of White Chocolate as a healing item in the year that the game is set (1930) does not seem like an historical anachronism. However, it has been discovered in the game's files that White Chocolate was supposed to have been the Gift of the Month for a June 1930 chapter that was later cut from the final release.
  • This fact alone gives credence to the argument that "Gingerbread House" did not occur in June 1930, but is a compression of events in Jennifer's time living with Gregory Wilson in 1929 and her subsequent encounters with Wendy around late 1929- early 1930.

